Seeing Sorting ➢
Working at nearly the lowest level of computer programming can be a real drag. Visualizing sorting processes seemed like a rewarding challenge. I achieved proficiency in assembly coding enough to succinctly display several sorting processes to my classmates and open their eyes to the possibilities at our fingertips.
Subreddit Gallery ➢
My first major step into the world of web development. Showcasing the contents of a selected subreddit in a much more user-friendly manner on desktop environments was the focus of this project. I utilized the power of the react framework, appreciated its vast capability, and chose to further pursue web development because of the interesting paths it easily illuminated.
Appointments Web App ➢
Boosted productivity by shaving off potentially hours of wasteful manual appointment creation for a small business that offers work safety training in Katowice, Poland. This responsive web-app allows for admin editing of the available training calendar.